Violence against women is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations across the globe which remains largely unreported due to the silence, stigma, and shame surrounding it. Spellbound Leo Burnett believes in finding human brand purpose; the purpose which has a positive impact on human life.
One of our valued client Promita LPG, a sister concern of Runner Group also believes in building it up as a responsible brand and feels compelled to fulfill its responsibility towards the community. As our philosophy are quite in accord with each other, on behalf of this client on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2018, we took a small endeavor to portray very few forms of the violence women and girls face every now and then which are either overlooked or buried.
The purpose of this campaign was to create awareness about this issue and bring it onward. It was done in the form of a simple photo album, each creative was accompanied by a tiny tale about that particular violence. We came up with a theme of replacing jewelry with the violence written in words replacing those, which they have gone through behind the vibrant depiction of happiness. The campaign resulted in an affirmative success since we have received quite a great response from the audience. Even some of the courageous souls expressed their grim experiences of their lives regarding these issues which have been haunting them for ages. In this sense we can say, it became a platform of uttering the unspoken. Besides, the campaign was absolutely in favor of the brand in creating a positive image in its potential consumers.